Friday, March 20, 2009

Morning at the Park

This morning Megan and I went to the park with the Durham Mother's Club. The park was super-nice and had tons of play areas and lots of jungle-gym equipment. Megan even went down the slides by herself -- and liked it!!

As a side note, the baby question on my mind today: Why do Megan's teeth only cut through the gums between the hours of midnight and 3am? Tooth number 4, the bottom right, made its first appearance last night.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Megan's New Ride

Megan got a new red wagon for her first birthday. She loves to take rides around the neighborhood and in the yard. Sometimes we take her animal friends along for rides, too. Even when she's not riding in it, she likes to push it around the yard and flip the seats up and down. Today it was finally nice enough to get outside (no rain!!!) and go for a short ride. One of our favorite places to go in the yard is over to the flower bed to check out the daffodils. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Year Check-up and More

Last week Megan had her 1 year check-up with the doctor. She weighed in at 23 lbs 2 oz (80th percentile), measured 30.25 inches (85th percentile), and has a head circumference of 44.7 cm (45th percentile). She's growing quite well! I joke with Brian that we don't need to measure her to know she's getting taller...just watch her reach things on countertops and tables that she couldn't reach a few weeks ago! We also got 2 more immunizations -- not fun.

The pediatrician also encouraged us to give Megan more table foods, so we've been doing just that. It's easier for her to eat chunkier food now, too, since she has 3 teeth. She's been eating chicken breast, ground turkey, steamed veggies (carrots and squash mostly), fruit (bananas, apples, pears, and peaches), pasta, yogurt, cheese, and even a fish stick. She seems to really like the meats, especially the turkey. The only thing that she really hasn't liked so far was the cottage cheese, but I'm still offering every few days in hopes that she'll change her mind. Lasagna is on the menu this week, so we'll see how she likes my version compared to Gerber's.

Megan is also developing quite a little vocabulary! She says Dada, puh-puh (puppy), ball, ballah (balloon), duck, dog, and has "conversations" all the time with her animals and books. She also barks like a dog: arf arf, and sputters when she sees cars. Two nights ago I was especially proud when she looked down at her pajamas covered in little ducks and pointed to one on her leg and completely unprovoked said, "'Duck!"

I'm amazed at how much of a little person she has become in this first year!! Just for fun, here are some then and now photos:

March 2008 -- a few days old...

March 2009 -- 1 year old...

Fun in the Sun

It was so nice this past week with all the warm weather! We spent a lot of time outdoors, going to the park and playing in the yard with the dogs and the ball. Too bad it's supposed to rain for the next several days. At least it was nice while it lasted.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday

Today is a VERY special day -- Megan's first birthday!! I still can't believe that a whole year has passed. It's gone by so quickly! It really does seem like just yesterday that she was born. 

We got Megan a little cake to celebrate tonight. She had no problem digging right into the icing! We cut her a slice so she could get to the cake. She nibbled on the cake and smeared it all over her face -- but we didn't let her go too overboard since it was just before bedtime.

Thanks to everyone who called, emailed, left messages, and sent cards for Megan's birthday. She's a lucky girl to have so many people who care about her! And thanks to everyone who has kept up with our family through our blog and photos this past year. We're looking forward to keeping it up in this next year, too!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Megan plays the piano

Megan loves to play the piano. She plays the low notes all the way up the keyboard to the high notes. She even throws in some pedal action and a little bit of singing!! When she gets older, I'll teach her to play, and if she keeps this up, we'll have her playing Beethoven in no time!

Megan Plays the Piano from Stacy Herring on Vimeo.

More snow!

We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland! We had about 2 1/2 to 3 inches of snow. We played in it a little after breakfast, but it was too cold to stay out for long. You can see more pictures of the snow on our photo page.