It's been super-hot here lately so we've been trying to come up with ways to enjoy the sunshine, but stay cool with out being cooped up inside.
We started with a trip to VIR (Virginia International Speedway) to see the Rolex/GrandAm race. There was not much "staying cool" at VIR, but we did find a nice shady spot under a tree with some friends and watched the cars zoom by. Dad and Megan read Speedy Little Race Cars and we all took turns following Megan around on her quest for balls, which we think we actually pine cones (Thanks to Adria for figuring that out!).
Sunday afternoon we splashed around in the back yard in Megan's new kiddie pool. The water out of the hose was really cold, but she still enjoyed splashing - a lot! Afterwards we took a short wagon ride to warm up (ironic, i know...). And speaking of the wagon -- that has been money very well spent. I can't begin to count how many miles we've logged in the wagon in the two months that we've had it.
We even tried our hands at fingerpainting one afternoon. Megan tried to eat the paint more than actually painting with it, but she still had fun and made a few cool paintings.
And of course we spend a lot of time running around in the yard kicking balls, chasing the dogs, and going after the kitty-kitty-kitties!!! (her second favorite word after duck.)