Monday, January 12, 2009

Eating Like a Big Girl

Lately, Megan is getting much more independent. She wants to feed herself at mealtimes now. This gets pretty messy, and some days, I just don't want pureed foods in my hair and on my clothes, but we're working on it. Megan likes to take the spoon out of my hand, put it in her mouth, then smash all the leftover food on the spoon onto her hands, and put the spoon back into the bowl. She's proud of what she's doing and claps after she put the spoon down. I haven't gotten a picture of it yet since it take two (or more) hands to feed her, but I did catch this picture after a rather messy lunch. Apparently the featured dessert was "foot."

1 comment:

Robin said...

haha! yeah, we're doing cubes of potato/carrots/etc. and lots of finger foods cuz max is not into the whole spoon thing...