Friday, February 13, 2009

From Snow to Sun to Sick

It's been a busy few weeks around here. So here's a brief recap:

Megan got to see her first snow. She touched the snow and decided it was cold! We didn't really get down and play in it, but she had fun looking at it.

Then it warmed up and we took advantage of the nice 70-degree days and played outside with the tractor and Megan's new ball.

And thanks in large part to the huge temperature swings, Megan got sick. We tried to ward off the cold, but after 2 1/2 weeks she was getting worse, not better, so off to the doctor we went. Turns out Megan had an ear infection and needed amoxicillin. After 3 dose of amoxicillin, Megan broke out in hives all over her legs, arms, and bottom. Poor kid!! Back to the doctor! After spending the last two mornings in the pediatrician's office, I hope we are on the road to recovery.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Poor Baby!!! We are all fighting colds too. Hopefully it doesn't get worse than that. Hope Megan gets to feeling better soon