Monday, May 17, 2010

Sarah Ellen Herring is Here! 2:37am!

Well, we were here for about 1 hr 18 mins, and then Sarah was born at 2:37am on May 17th 2010. Delivery took... oh, about 10 mins or so. It was ridiculously fast, and up until this point, Mom has been getting repaired. Mom did this delivery NATURALLY as she could not wait the 1hr to get the lab results back!

Mom and Sarah are getting their first feeding together. We will be moving to the post-delivery room shortly, and then I will be doing whatever Mom needs.

If you need to contact us, please do.

- dad


Jennifer said...

YEAH!!! Can't wait to meet Sarah! Congratulations Brian, Stacy, and Megan!

Love you guys!

RGillies said...

Yay!!! Congrats to Mom, Dad and Big Sister!!!

Sarah said...

I heard the news earlier today through the Brown hotline. We are both so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet the little beauty. Stacy is so strong and though it was not her choice, she should be so proud of herself. See you soon.