1. Megan's Milestone
We took Megan to the pediatrician last week for her 1-month well-visit. That's right...Megan is now 1 month old (actually, she's now 5 weeks)!! She's grown nearly an inch and is up to 9 pounds, 11 ounces. Everything checked out ok and we will go back to the doctor in early May.

2. Kangaroo Dad
Since Megan has clearly gotten heavier, carrying her around for long periods of time gets tiring for Mom and Dad. So this weekend, we decided to try out the Baby Bjorn. Now we can carry her around and still have free hands. It allowed Dad to hold Megan and pet the dogs, and they are happy now, too. This will be a big help, too, when we're out and about.

3. A Place to Play
One of Mommy, Daddy, and Megan's favorite things to do is play (next to sleeping, of course!) But after 5 weeks, I think Megan was a little tired of seeing Mommy's hands waving in front of her face, and Mom's hands were just plain tired. We've been eying this activity mat for a while and today we braved another outdoor excursion to the baby capital of Durham: Babies "R" Us. Even though Megan was asleep most of the time, I think she was impressed. And she was definitely impressed with her new play mat -- she occupied herself with it for almost an hour tonight! It was the only thing that seemed to soothe her fussiness today. Her favorite toy is the mirror. The neat thing about this mat is that it has different configurations so it will grow and change with her as she reaches various developmental stages. It also compliments her other toys, like the Frog and Caterpillar, very well.

As always, check out our photo page for more photos of Megan with Mom and Dad, Aunt Beth's visit, playtime with the new mat, and more cute photos of Megan in cute outfits!!
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