About 3 weeks ago, Megan started blowing raspberries. For almost 2 day straight, she blew raspberries at everything. Then, the raspberries went away. Mommy and Daddy were sad because we thought the raspberries were just the cutest thing Megan has done. Then all of a sudden, Megan brought the raspberries back. And they are back in full force!! Watch the video to hear Megan's happy raspberries.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bookworm Baby
Friday, June 20, 2008
Look What Megan Found!
Mom's newest baby e-newsletter said that "by now your baby has gone from being a passive observer of the world to being - or at least wanting to be - an active participant." Truer words were never emailed! Megan is getting into everything! She's reaching for anything she can get a hold of, grabbing Mom's hair, pulling Mom's glasses off of her face, reaching for toys and books; and everything goes straight into her mouth. Megan even found her feet!! I don't know who gets more excited about these new discoveries and developments -- Mom & Dad or Megan!

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Bumper Baby
Lately, Megan has become a very wiggly sleeper. She can flip around 180 degrees in the crib in just a few minutes, and she often hits the sides of the crib. Tuesday night, Mommy got up to check on Megan since she's been tossing around in the crib a lot, and found Megan with her arm stuck through the slats on the crib. (She sleeps with her arms out but her hands up next to her head, and had actually wrapped her arm completely around a slat so that her elbow was pinned between the slat and the wall.) Thankfully Megan was sleeping soundly, because Mom had to twist her arm a bit to get it unstuck and move her back to the center of the crib. Mom was very relieved that Megan didn't hurt herself.
So yesterday, Megan and Mommy trekked to Babies R Us for a crib bumper. We decided to get one of the breathable mesh kinds that are supposed to be safer than the traditional poofy bumpers. We installed in when we got home and Megan tried it out last night. She moved around and kicked at the bumper, but her arms and legs stayed inside the crib, and Mom didn't have to untangle her in the middle of the night.
So yesterday, Megan and Mommy trekked to Babies R Us for a crib bumper. We decided to get one of the breathable mesh kinds that are supposed to be safer than the traditional poofy bumpers. We installed in when we got home and Megan tried it out last night. She moved around and kicked at the bumper, but her arms and legs stayed inside the crib, and Mom didn't have to untangle her in the middle of the night.
Happy Daddy Day!
Daddy celebrated his first Father's Day last weekend! (Sorry, Daddy, that Mom's just now getting around to this post.)
He got to spend a nice day with Megan, who was in a good mood. We had a special breakfast, watched Groundhog Day, and Daddy opened his presents. He got some nice cards, a shirt, some shoes, and racing gloves.
But most importantly, we had a lot of quality family time =).
He got to spend a nice day with Megan, who was in a good mood. We had a special breakfast, watched Groundhog Day, and Daddy opened his presents. He got some nice cards, a shirt, some shoes, and racing gloves.
But most importantly, we had a lot of quality family time =).
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Week in Review
So here are the latest Megan updates...she weighed in at 14 pounds 12 ounces at her last weigh-in on May 30, and by now, probably weighs at least 15 pounds. She's wearing size 6-month clothes, and is for the most part, still sleeping through the night.

Since our last post, Daddy, Mommy, and Megan have been busy. Last weekend, we traveled to Conover to see Mommy's cousin Kurt graduate from high school. Megan got to meet pretty much all of her extended family on Mom's side.

Then we spent the next couple of days inside because it was just too hot to go out. We finally ventured out on Wednesday to have lunch with Daddy and to get in a little shopping. Megan got fussy toward the end of the shopping trip (she was hot and tired of being in the car seat) and her poor little caterpillar (the one she's always eating) was on the receiving end of a very loud screaming session, so we called it a day and headed home.

Target was our destination de jour on Friday for groceries. For whatever reason, Mom got the urge to cook, so she planned out a reasonable menu for the next week or so (using more or less the same ingredients to save $$) and spent the rest of the afternoon cooking lasagna and beef stew and she has several other dishes to prepare. Megan also got a bath Friday night. We've been using the Johnson & Johnson Calming Bedtime Bath wash, which smells really good!

And today, Uncle Kevin came over so we hung out with him in the garage while Daddy rotated the tires and changed the oil in Kevin's car. Later in the evening, we went to Carrboro to Phydeaux (pronounced "Fido", like a dog) - a unique pet store that was deceptively small from the outside, but had a lot of cool things on the inside...tons of food, toys, dishes, and the cutest treat jars. My favorite item was called Hide the Squirrel that had three toys squirrels that you put into a toy tree trunk for the dogs to get out. While we were there, we strolled through Carr Mill Mall before the rain came.
This is my favorite picture from this week. Megan scored this cute little hat on our shopping trip (it was on sale and Mommy had a coupon for even more savings)!! She looks like a little Storm Trooper in it =). In this picture, Megan is saying, "They went that way!"
Mom added three new albums to the photo site, so check them out for more pictures!
Since our last post, Daddy, Mommy, and Megan have been busy. Last weekend, we traveled to Conover to see Mommy's cousin Kurt graduate from high school. Megan got to meet pretty much all of her extended family on Mom's side.
Then we spent the next couple of days inside because it was just too hot to go out. We finally ventured out on Wednesday to have lunch with Daddy and to get in a little shopping. Megan got fussy toward the end of the shopping trip (she was hot and tired of being in the car seat) and her poor little caterpillar (the one she's always eating) was on the receiving end of a very loud screaming session, so we called it a day and headed home.
Target was our destination de jour on Friday for groceries. For whatever reason, Mom got the urge to cook, so she planned out a reasonable menu for the next week or so (using more or less the same ingredients to save $$) and spent the rest of the afternoon cooking lasagna and beef stew and she has several other dishes to prepare. Megan also got a bath Friday night. We've been using the Johnson & Johnson Calming Bedtime Bath wash, which smells really good!
And today, Uncle Kevin came over so we hung out with him in the garage while Daddy rotated the tires and changed the oil in Kevin's car. Later in the evening, we went to Carrboro to Phydeaux (pronounced "Fido", like a dog) - a unique pet store that was deceptively small from the outside, but had a lot of cool things on the inside...tons of food, toys, dishes, and the cutest treat jars. My favorite item was called Hide the Squirrel that had three toys squirrels that you put into a toy tree trunk for the dogs to get out. While we were there, we strolled through Carr Mill Mall before the rain came.
This is my favorite picture from this week. Megan scored this cute little hat on our shopping trip (it was on sale and Mommy had a coupon for even more savings)!! She looks like a little Storm Trooper in it =). In this picture, Megan is saying, "They went that way!"
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Daddy gets his groove back!

As we all may or may not know, Daddy had been taking a break from his "fun" activities to help out with his new fun jobs around the house, and helping out the girls. Well, since Father's Day is coming up, and Daddy's birthday just passed making him "old", he decided it was OK to try an event with the "new" car.
Daddy enjoyed the event, but the temperature was not too hot (negated pun intented). 100+ degree heat kept the people from coming out in droves, but in the end, Dad had fun, and honestly, that is what all this should be about.
In his first event back in about a year and the first time in the "new" car, the results showed he did OK but Dad knows better -- he is rusty!
Here are the results, and a new fender liner is being installed as you read! :)

Monday, June 2, 2008
Three in a Row
Megan has slept through the night for THREE nights in a row! She's been going to bed around 8:30 and sleeping until 6ish. Then after her breakfast, we have some quiet play time, then back down for a short nap around 7:30. It's only been a few days, but I dare say, this feels a little like a routine. She's also started sucking her thumb on and off through the night, which has probably helped her sleep longer.
Now if Mommy can just sleep through the night...I find myself up at least once during the night to sneak into Megan's room and make sure she's doing ok!

Megan had a big weekend! Grandmommy, Granddaddy, Beth, and Kenny came over to celebrate Daddy's birthday. We had a birthday lunch at Southpoint and then rolled around the mall for a bit. Then Grandmommy and Granddaddy came back to the house to play with Megan who blew raspberries at them!
Megan also experienced her first scary thunderstorm...and handled it much better than Mom! As much as Mom loves that type of weather, she does not like it when it feels like the lightening is striking her living room. But Megan didn't flinch. She was safe in Daddy's arms!
Now if Mommy can just sleep through the night...I find myself up at least once during the night to sneak into Megan's room and make sure she's doing ok!
Megan had a big weekend! Grandmommy, Granddaddy, Beth, and Kenny came over to celebrate Daddy's birthday. We had a birthday lunch at Southpoint and then rolled around the mall for a bit. Then Grandmommy and Granddaddy came back to the house to play with Megan who blew raspberries at them!
Megan also experienced her first scary thunderstorm...and handled it much better than Mom! As much as Mom loves that type of weather, she does not like it when it feels like the lightening is striking her living room. But Megan didn't flinch. She was safe in Daddy's arms!
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